
15 Mindset Hacks to Level Up Your Real Estate Business

1. Think of New Ways to Solve Old Problems

One of the best ways to train your brain beyond its natural limits is by thinking of new ways to solve existing problems. As the world evolves, new technology can help us work more efficiently.

For example, door-knocking used to be the way to find new clients in a farming area. Today, there are more efficient ways to accomplish that same goal. Door-knocking can still work, of course, but there are some more proficient approaches that you can implement.

Technology helps you reach more potential clients with less effort. 

2. Know Your Client

When you really know your client, you can come up with answers to questions that other agents won’t. Speak directly to that same client in every piece of marketing you create.

Start by creating your client avatar. An avatar will help paint a picture of who your perfect client is and make it simpler to clarify your message. Describe your ideal client, their hobbies, demographics, and everything you can learn about them. Give that client a name. Use stock photos to put a face to your avatar. The visualization will help clarify your message.

3. Always Keep Pushing Forward

Yes, you will face adversity when working in real estate. When you’re in the early stages of building your business, it can be stressful working for months without getting paid. And the first few times someone yells at you when you’re stuck cold calling FSBOs and expireds to get your first client, it can make you question your career choices.

But no matter how difficult, if you want to move forward in your life or your business, it’s imperative to stay focused on the goal, not the obstacles. And when that first commission check comes, it will all be worth it.

4. Do Your Homework

Many times when we’re faced with change, it can seem difficult to adjust. Make a fervent effort to have a child-like learner’s mind. Be willing to take extra classes and read books and blogs about your chosen profession. Also, don’t be afraid to ask successful agents how they built their business.

5. Have a Voracious Curiosity

Being curious is the secret to all entrepreneurial success. If you’re not curious about how to grow your business, you will never ask the right questions or even enough of them. 

Build your business by always asking questions. The best questions to ask are the ones that start with “why.”

You can ask, “Why do we prospect this way?” or “Why don’t we have a process for approaching (specific niche) leads?” or “Why don’t we have a software solution for managing our incoming calls?” These questions will help you find the best ways for your business to succeed. Never accept things just “because they’ve always been that way.”

6. Don’t Try to Predict, Be a Chameleon

We can’t see into the future. So, rather than trying to predict what will happen, be more accepting of what does happen. Take it as it comes.

Think about the last transaction you had. Did something happen that you weren’t expecting? It happens nearly Every. Single. Time. 

But a great agent knows things won’t go exactly as planned and stays flexible, like a ninja, always on her toes, ready for whatever comes. Don’t let the setbacks and the unexpected moments keep you from moving forward. Stay nimble and ready to zig instead of zag.

We don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Case in point: We can’t control the state of the economy, what’s going on in Ukraine, the real estate market, or mortgage rates. Focus on what you can control—your own actions.

You can continue to reach out to your sphere, focus on your marketing efforts, and concentrate on your education. When things happen that you can’t predict, find a way to adjust your sails and take advantage of the situation. There is always a silver lining. Your job is to find it.

7. Have a Bigger Vision

It’s easy to get caught up in the immediate little fires when you’re working through a transaction, e.g., finding your client a property that fits their criteria and their budget, worrying about your seller’s house getting an offer, how much commission you will make, are your marketing strategies working, and keeping up with social media. There’s always something to fixate on.

But to ensure your success, it’s important to keep the overall goal in mind. Focusing on the activities without understanding the bigger picture can make you want to quit.

Focusing on the “why” attached to the activity will keep you moving forward. Think of what you’re actually doing—you’re helping your clients realize their dream of home ownership. Knowing that should give you enough energy to push through the mundane to reach the reward at the end of the transaction.

8. Become an Expert

Your biggest challenge is to become the real estate expert in your community. Learn everything you can about the market, study your MLS (multiple listing service) inside and out. You should know every home that comes on the market in your farming area. Know your numbers so that when anyone asks you, “How’s the market doing?” you can confidently share your knowledge.

Whatever avenues you choose to pursue in building your business, become the expert in your field. If you want to be the go-to agent in your market, study it. You can become the real estate or community expert for your market, but you have to learn the market inside and out.

9. Be Consistent

One of the biggest challenges practically everyone confronts is inconsistency. Clarity can be your greatest ally to achieve the consistency you need. In Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, Brian Tracy addresses this particular stumbling block.

“A major reason for procrastination and lack of motivation is vagueness, confusion, and fuzzy-mindedness about what you are trying to do and in what order and for what reason.”

Brian Tracy, www.briantracy.com

Getting clear on what your goals are will help you stay motivated to maintain consistency in all areas of your business and your life. A great way to get clear on your goals is to write them down and time block your days.

10. Use All the Tools Available to You

Hand in hand with being a constant learner, it makes sense to use tools that are available to you. Work smarter, not harder, right? There are so many resources and tech tools to help you do your job more effectively and efficiently.

For example, you should be using customer relationship management, or CRM, software to manage your clients, prospects, and leads. If you’re not, you’re not working smarter. Chances of missing that critical touch point with one or more of your people are strong.

11. Be Authentic

This one should be obvious. In a more global world where we physically connect less and less, what we put out into the world should be genuine, honest, and personable. People need to see your authenticity shine through.

In the age of TikTok, you don’t have to be polished and put together in every moment of everyday life. That’s not real life. Don’t be afraid to put your hair in a bun and shoot a quick video to reach out to your people. Your makeup doesn’t have to be perfect every time you address your sphere. Be real. Be you.

12. Be an Exceptional Time Manager

Time blocking is a lifesaver when it comes to managing your days. Things that get scheduled get done. So use a daily planner to schedule all the things that you need to accomplish. Darren Hardy, in his coaching programs, teaches entrepreneurs not to create to-do lists, but rather make a schedule for each day.

Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix is a perfect tool to eliminate tasks that are not really the best use of your time.

“Putting first things first means organizing and executing around your most important priorities. It is living and being driven by the principles you value most, not by the agendas and forces surrounding you.”

Dr. Stephen R. Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, www.franklincovey.com

Prioritizing the things you need to do will also allow you to see the things on your to-do list that you simply don’t have time for. Those are the things you should delegate to someone else. Hiring a virtual assistant or a transaction coordinator will change your life. Trust me.

13. Be an Early Adopter

Recognizing early tech trends helped her grow audiences quickly and rather easily before the competition got fierce. If you’re the type who can recognize a trend and seize on it, you’ll open new avenues to reach your audience and grow your business.

Many agents (and honestly, people in all walks of life) are change-averse and don’t shift fast enough to avoid pitfalls and disasters. If you knew a hurricane was coming straight for your home, would you evacuate? The same mindset holds many of us still when markets shift and the way we do business changes.

14. Work With Those Who Are Where You Want to Be

This is some of the best advice you’ll ever hear, no matter what industry—get a mentor.

If you truly want to excel and reach your goals, you can’t get there without a map. Hire a coach if you have to, but find someone who can show you the path to success. Coaching is the best investment you’ll ever make. Invest in yourself and stop thinking of yourself as an island. No one gets there alone. Find a guide.

15. Always Have a Sense of Humor

The moment you start taking yourself too seriously is the day your business starts to suffer. We all make mistakes, and we all have blunders. The best way to deal with the crazy life you’re taking on is to always be able to laugh at yourself. You’re human. We all need a good laugh now and then. Just check out TikTok for 20 minutes to see what I mean. (But set a timer for time management!)



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